If we all join together and share our medical data we can almost certainly us this crowd data to improve the health of all.
This is crowd funding with the really valuable stuff that you own, your own medical records.
Here will be a data collection form. You will want to collect as many of your medical files as you can. Especially any lab test results to contribute.
Almost 20 years ago when I first began working on the net sharing my knowledge about IgAN I had a simple form that people filled out to lend their experience to the common good. One family that did so had IgAN in three generations of males in the family. This family became the nexus of research that showed the unequivocal genetic linkage to IgAN. Medical science would still be arguing Nature vs. Nurture were it not for that volunteered data.
I am sure there is much more to be discovered in our collective medical data.
Note: Anyone reading this who knows how to set up a good blog based MySQL database feeding form and would be able to help in this would be most welcome.
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