Why Avoiding Dialysis Is Incredibly Important
For those of us with kidney disease it’s a constant companion.
We’ve most likely done some reading about the possible outcomes of our disease. These include dialysis, kidney transplant maybe, and worse. I’ll leave you to your own research on why dialysis is a desperate last choice.
I was however doing my own reading and came across this 2013 posting on the net where there is a good paper and discussion on the problems facing those needing dialysis. The key issue is whether those on dialysis are spending sufficient time having their blood cleansed or whether they might be hurried in their dialysis to make economize on the cost of the process by the clinics.
The consequence of spending less time and thus having to live with higher levels of toxins in ones blood and the dangers to health and feeling well that this brings about is the issue.
Here are some excerpts from:
Dialysis Unplugged: Is Change Possible?
Without doubt the people who have commented that we need to do more frequent and/or longer dialysis to improve the lives of patients are right.
Some have suggested that nephrologists should have made it happen – implying that we have been too timid in doing what is right. I don’t agree. As I have already discussed, to have change in dialysis practice at the national level needs more than just pointing the finger at nephrologists and saying “do it”. Nor will it fly, in my view, to say “nephrologists are not leading change because they are greedy or have conflicts of interest.” Sorry folks, while these arguments might resonate with some; in my mind, they won’t change dialysis practice.
1. Creating Urgency: For there to be a change in dialysis practice, such that the mantra “more-dialysis-is-better” results in widespread modification in the dialysis prescription, there needs to be consensus among providers and patients.
2. Forming a Powerful Coalition: Key organizations have to re-align. Instead of the current coalition of professional, patient advocacy, dialysis provider and pharma companies aligning under the Kidney Care Partners (KCP) umbrella, a new coalition of nephrology professional and patient advocacy organizations needs to form.
3. Creating a Vision for Change: A clear vision is needed. What do the patient and nephrology community want to do? Is the goal quotidian (or daily) dialysis? Or is it every other day (EOD) therapy? Is the vision for nocturnal dialysis or short daily dialysis?
There is much more and reading the comments gives you the chance to hear from people who live by dialysis. I recommend the read…..
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